Why Men aren’t Growing Up.

Over the past several years, there has been an intense discussion about youths never growing up. More specifically, men, never moving from adolescence to adulthood.

Articles dating all the way back to 2007, coming from all corners of the globe, and repeated by some reputable sources have been springing up with different outlooks on the subject.

I want to throw a wrench in this topic. Sure, I’d say men aren’t growing up in the old definition of growing up. But why? It’s impossible for them to.

My understood definition of growing up: getting a job, moving into your own house, settling down with a family, kids, wife, what-have-you.

Why is that impossible now? Money. The root of all evil. What average 25 year old has the money to go purchase a brand new home, or even the solidarity of lifestyle that allows that? What two young people just starting out in life have the funds or careers that allow them to begin raising children?

The short answer is very, very few.

It’s flat out cheaper to not grow up. Splitting living costs with roommates is obviously cheaper. Living in apartments with short term leases or renting homes allow for flexibility in your residence so you can move when a career affords it.

Babycenter.com estimates, not including saving for college, that raising a child from birth to 18 years old will cost an estimated $220,000+ or over $12,000 a year. I personally don’t have that short of income to just move around.

So why are men refusing to grow up? Because it’s damn expensive to, thats why!