Perception VS Reality — Attitude

Attitude changes. I’m not entirely sure they’re possible. There are modifications, and perceptions that you can push to the outside world, but will it ever be changed?

This could be my youth showing through loud and clear, so please, comment if you feel as such, but I just don’t see it.

I just finished a One on One assessment, done monthly by my company. The meeting, as it’s described, is a discussion between just you and your supervisor. You cover things like, what you’re working on right now, where you’re at with any developmental things covered before, and a general assessment of your performance the past month. We are rated on a scale straight from kindergarten:

  • Green means you’ve exceeded expectations, or have done better than a baseline
  • Yellow is the baseline. You’re neither doing bad nor great at this category
  • Red is needs improvement.

I was rated Green and Yellow on all categories, but only by a hair in one in particular: “Values”. He explained that he can hear a bit of attitude in my voice some days. I’ve also come off as “cocky” in responses to my co-workers.

I don’t disagree with this assessment. I even intended for these things to happen (not that it’s a good thing). This was an isolated incident, and I slipped up, that happened to occur in a very short timespan before my review. 

Some ways I have found to combat this issue within myself, and hopefully some things you can use in your journey after the jump.

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