One Line Wonders.

Some of these are more than one line.

Inspiration comes from weird places. I was just writing how I hated the mind-to-twitter movement, skipping the thought stage, and now I’m writing short thoughts skipping that same step.

And I don’t feel bad about it.

Macklemore is a pretty good artist. Smart, thoughtful, and good lyrics.

It’s really amazing how much music can affect my mood. The right song at the beginning of the day can largely set the entire tone. Something that makes me think, social commentary, really puts things in perspective.

Online college really misses the boat on what I feel college is about.

And businesses really overvalue degrees.

EDM (electronic dance music) is very repetitive.

But I still like listening to it.

And I can’t dance.

Paleontology is pretty weird. Just look at Chalicothere. What the hell?

Why are creative positions seemingly so difficult to get into? The demand can’t be that high.

Or is the demand for the product just that low?

One thought on “One Line Wonders.

  1. Any business that values a degree over years of experience and or dedication is a company that will forever fight for good employee moral, consistant productivity and retainment

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